The Golden Rules of Outbound Dialing
Keeping your phone numbers trusted and your calls getting through
We can all agree - outbound dialing is not easy!
It takes a lot of work to make sure you have a clean list to call, that you know the best time to
reach your prospects, and that you have messaging that resonates enough to keep people on the phone. So you don’t want to make it any harder on yourself and your team by having your calls blocked or flagged as spam.
The regulatory environment continues to evolve and gain complexity, which is harder and harder to navigate. During crucial times of the year business gets done over the phone, so you need to ensure your calls are getting through!
VanillaSof'st VP of Marketing James Bishop and VP of Customer Success Daniel Sims were joined by David Krasinski, Vice President Trust and Identity Solutions with TransUnion. David is an expert in outbound calling, and knows all the ins and outs of how to ensure that calls get through and the numbers are accurate - and he shares all of his trade secrets with us.
Don’t let your calls go unanswered - watch now!